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The more effective workers are at demanding safer conditions such as elimination of unsafe chemical exposures or increasing the share they get of the value they create, the more this will tend to undermine a company's profits. For the owners and managers the profits are power. Their power to increase their power over workers.
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For example by hiring more managers, buying new surveillance software etc, to eliminate jobs by paying to automate and to defeat their competitors. Unions are also a base for broader working class aims, such as increased systems of social benefits, like health care. They are a democratic check on the power of the dominant classes in society.
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At the same time, there are different kinds of unions, both historically and in different countries. Some people will refer to the corruption that used to exist in a number of major unions in USA. This corruption came about because of the undemocratic deal making of certain leaders with management.
The mob controlled certain unions to use them as a piggy bank for their business ventures. It was against workers' interests. But even when there have been very grassroots unions that are free of any corruption, and more under control of workers, such unions might be more popular among workers.
In fact managers have historically been even more averse to this type of union because it is less likely to sell out the workers to keep management happy. So this means it is necessary to look at the different kinds of criticisms of unions, and who is doing the criticizing. People who are favorable to unionism may still be highly critical of certain kinds of unionism.
Using a despotic power over other people to make profit off their labor is a form of violence for example subjecting to people to chemicals or excessively stressful conditions that shortens their lives. If you don't think so, watch what happens in a strike. Using court injunctions & police is a use of state force the ultimate source of social violence.
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I always try and find something good in everything, though sometimes you have to use a magnifying glass to see it. Other times, it’s right in front of you and if you’re not careful, it’ll bite you in the ass. He was deployed for the umpteenth time, leaving her at home again with four children.
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We found one seven miles from our destination. To get there, we’d have to make a left turn across a busy street. The lady in the in the opposite lane stopped for a red light, but left room for us to turn and waved us through. She waved us through more insistently, knowing the light was going to change.
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The lady in the car behind us also pulled into the parking lot. She had witnessed the accident and told the officer how the woman had waved us through, not once, but twice. But Robert and I knew it was our fault we should have waited for the light to change before making the turn. The officer confirmed it, but said he saw three or four similar accidents at the same intersection every week.
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Our four days with my daughter became eight days, which was nice, though most of the time was spent either on the phone with the insurance company, or sitting in traffic court in downtown Jacksonville. Robert and I rented a car for the drive home. Our car, totally paid off and only five years old, did give us a nice chunk of cash for buying another car.

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Once we were home again. We called for service and after a lengthy check up, we were told it was old and worn out and it finally had given up the fight. But we were in luck. They had a new one in the truck and we could be up and running in two hours. It would cost just about what we got from the insurance company for our car.

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It’s very hard to distinguish the good things that people in a religion do from the good things that they would have done anyway had they not been in a religion. We know that predominantly atheist societies are compassionate, charitable and efficiently-run, so we can assume that these are natural qualities for people to have, whether they are religious or not.

Religion is one way of getting people to combine their forces to provide help and support for others, but we simply don’t know whether that’s attributable to the religion, or whether it would happen or happen better if religion wasn’t involved. Secular governments, for instance, hand over trillions of welfare dollars every year far more than all religions have ever given out in their entire history.

It may not all be well-spent, but it’s available to everyone in trouble, not just those who endorse a specific belief. We know that people can be more productive and more effective when they have a clear and realistic view of the world; so it seems clear that freeing ourselves from delusive ideologies should allow all of us to do good things better.

This is impossible to answer without knowing you, your wife and how your relationship has been developing. One could come up with a bulleted list of arbitrary chosen, clinched items as if it was a simple recipe but it's value would be close to null as you've surely heard all of that before and countless times at the very least.

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