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The age of science gave us the industrial revolution and massive surpluses of wealth that enabled the ending of serfdom and the creation of liberty and the middle class. Were it not for science, we'd not have the surplus wealth to create schools for everybody that allow for people to be informed enough to subsequently permit general, inclusive democracy.In a world full of dogs be a husky shirt
The age of science created physical equalizers that reduced the importance of physical strength and thus negated the ability of men to effectively own women. None of our social and ideological advancements happened in a vacuum. They all happened as science advanced and religious nonsense was pushed steadily, and surely to the fringes.Wolf stand up for what you believe in even if you stand alone shirt
If you are conservative, you believe that what is good for the individual is therefore good for society. Less taxes mean more money in your pocket even if it means a more expensive and exclusive healthcare system. Inclusion of religions means that yours is in jeopardy, gun control means the government wants to take away your toys.HARRY POTTER 2001-2011 SIGNATURES ALWAYS KEEP FIGHTING SHIRT
Back to the question, white conservative males feel like political correctness has taken away their right to express their discomfort, they feel oppressed because leveling the play field means that those at the bottom will get a better deal and those at the top will lose some privileges. Liberals are ok with leveling the field. Conservatives are not.DINOSAURS DIDN’T READ LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM VINTAGE SHIRT
White men are not being socially blamed. Conservative white men are being blamed for stopping the change that could make society better for everyone, not just them. They don't realize that with an affordable healthcare system, with streets and schools safe from guns, with equal rights for everyone, they are laying down the foundation to make things better for their own children.54 YEARS OF KEANU REEVES 1964-2019 THANK YOU FOR THE MEMORIES SHIRT
Even if that means you have to sacrifice something you like, even if it means change is not perfect. Those were dark days for America public servants were not paid wages for months on end, and as law and order collapsed, police stopped responding to calls, as summer wore on, the slide was left to rage on unabated.65 years of Elvis Presley 1954 2019 signature thank you for your music shirt
As things on the mainland deteriorated further, small bands of citizens began forming militias to protect their neighbourhoods from bandits who now roamed the country freely. Friendships form and grow over problem sets. Bonding happens in computer labs or in study rooms over shared struggling on difficult problems. Some date nights even take place over problem sets.Caution will talk about cars for hours shirt
Weekend socializing often happens in study lounges next to problem sets. So many people know how to read and write in English. But they don't read and write similar things. Heck, many of them don't read and write at all. The language helps them get by in many ways, but is not the prime source of income or entertainment for a whole lot of them.Forget Canby just give me coffee Halloween shirt
That said, as is the general consensus that a literate man is more aware of his surroundings and it's a step towards a better society. I'd say, some basic things might sync in. If you start something that goes on and on in a loop, you must think what will make it stop. This might apply to a debate you're having with someone.Dog rescued is my favorite breed shirt
Again, not everyone would think things through in such a way. Just like poets think differently when they see a flower and they find beauty in menial things; the probability of that happening to commoners would definitely increase, if everyone knew how to code. No one writes perfect code. Perfection requires a lot of re-writing and optimization.
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College-educated and largely clustered in second and third tier suburbs or urban apartments, the uppers are doing quite well. They have jobs that offer gold-plated health insurance, sit in their corporate boxes at professional basketball and hockey games and vacation spectacularly. Although they are occasionally hurt when their corporation downsizes.
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What has moved abroad are those labor-intensive factory jobs that fueled the lunch pail classes in our recent past. Industries that have mechanized have replaced those workers with knowledge workers programmers, engineers. We do not need demagogues announcing that they will tax imports to bring lost jobs back to the USA.
I bet you are living a comfortable life, good house, good food may be a rich family, you fail to understand the suffering of men who are crushed by the goverment who listens to people who has power to change law. With a perspective like yours you wouldn’t understand the meaning of freedom.
Have you ever stood with helplessness when people get what they what just because they have the money or the power to get it. Freedom doesn’t have order but it doesn’t mean chaos too, but its better than law showing partiality to few people who cant stand on their own having people protect them with weapons.
You live in a world where law is practiced and if you say that this world has order you would be a fool. The most important thing is just to start. Where are you are going and what you will likely achieve is never what you set out to do in the first place it is what you discover along the way. Along the way I discovered applications for technology that not many people were figuring out.
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